Brilliant Birth Academy

Certification Training For Birth Professionals

   We Invest In Transformational Businesses

Discover how to give exceptional, sustainable care to families, while bringing transformational increase to your family as well.  Our passion is to see you inspired, trained, supported, and accelerated, so you can do work you love while still having a life that you love. Because love never fails. And because good business should be good for everyone.

Peace On Earth Starts With Birth 

We invest in birth professionals because we believe you’re doing some of the most important work on the planet. Strong ‘first connections’ we have as humans can grow to heal every other area of disconnection and pain in our societies; that’s why we’re contending for a fundamental shift in how we support all births in one generation. This generation.

We Facilitate Life-Changing Educational Experiences

With Brilliant Birth Academy you’ll be in business for yourself, but never by yourself. Our courses are action-based learning experiences with curated assignments designed to systematically build the assets you need to launch into service. We love resourcing students with valuable assets and tools so they quickly reach the real life breakthroughs that matter for their families. 

Our Trainings Are Condensed

Our students report that our cert courses take less time than others—and not because we’re short on details. Our material has been reduced down to foundational principles presented in a strategic framework so you can easily and deeply internalize core principles into a developed intuition–quickly. We’ve intentionally condensed the presentation time of every course and put all the details into swipe files because we’re imagining you trying to make progress on your cert at 6am with toddler fingers already reaching for you under the door. 

Our Academy Is Student-Focused

We define our success by your success and that translates into practical ways we are radically different from other trainings. We don’t have pointless and lengthy paperwork, assignments, and submission requirements. Our training, re-imagined from the ground up, is built around our students being accelerated through the certification and into sustainable service. 

Certify Your Calling: Start Today 

We believe birth professionals could change the world in one generation. This generation.

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